Amusement Rides

Striking cars (10 cars)

Drivers go crazy driving these cars. Crazy drivers will love these Cars as they can hump and bump onto the other drivers, cars without getting hurt, as if they are involved in a movie like stunt sequence.


Capacity2 Adults Seats
ConstructionFiber Glass Body & Chasis
DriveDC Motor of 80 Volt D.C (0.75 K.W)
LightingRear & Front Lights
Total Weight220 K.G
Seats & Head SetPU Moulded
Area required150 S.Q. Ft. Per Car
Shipment Size 1950x1100x1100


Seats, Headrest & Sterring with P.U Foam Fiberglass Chasis with extra Strength PU Paint on all Models Pneumatic Bumper Tyre Antena Pickup Easily availability of spares Low Maintenance Safety Belts

Specifications might have slight variation due to further improvement in R & D without any further notice.

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Our Clients

Nilgurus Amusements and Ecoparks Ltd.
Kishkinta Theme Park


Hindustan Amusement Machines
137, Eco Tech III, Udyog Kendra,
Toy City, Greater Noida, U.P

Phone: +91 9811157770
  +91 9811053700
  +91 9811382071
