Amusement Rides

Roller coaster

Roller Coaster is a family ride which is the star attraction of any amusement park. The train rushes up and down, turns left and right on a circular, zig zag track at a very high speed as the passenger hold their breath well and scream to their heart content.


Single Spiral Double Spiral
Area required20M x 13M34M x 14M (476 M0)
Hourly Capacity600 Persons600 Persons
No. of Coaches55
Passenger Capacity2020
Power for Drive15 K.W / 200 AMPS15 K.W / 200 AMPS
Power of LightingPromoter’s Scope (5 K.W. Approx.) Promoter’s Scope (5 K.W. Approx.)
Total Track Length65 M114 M
Track Height 4 M4 M


Specifications might have slight variation due to further improvement in R & D without any further notice.

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Our Clients

Nilgurus Amusements and Ecoparks Ltd.
Kishkinta Theme Park


Hindustan Amusement Machines
137, Eco Tech III, Udyog Kendra,
Toy City, Greater Noida, U.P

Phone: +91 9811157770
  +91 9811053700
  +91 9811382071
